Welcome to ISA Admissions
Dear Parents and Students,
Each of our lives is shaped by the people, places and cultures we experience as we grow. The way we are educated is a part of this- not just in what we learn, but in the ways we learn, and the environment we share.
Choosing a school that best suits your family as you organise an international relocation is a really important task. For many families, a school community can come to play an important role in their lives, supporting them through the challenges of settling into their new homes and adjusting to their new environment. We are here to provide you with all the information that you need to support you in your family’s decision making.
We are dedicated to our school’s mission ‘To Educate for International Understanding’. As an independent, non-profit foundation, all of our efforts are focused on creating a vibrant, global community of lifelong learners. International understanding was the reason for our foundation, and it is the reason we still come together every day.
Applications are welcomed from all students who can benefit from a challenging, international, university preparatory, English language education. Please reach out to us for information on availability, which differs per grade level. Our school was established to serve international families and students and we prioritise such applicants as much as possible in our admissions process. Please see our Admissions Policy for further information.
We would love to help you learn more about ISA and we hope that you will find a place your family can call a home away from home, and an international community you will be proud to be a part of. We look forward to hearing from you!
The ISA Admissions Team

Admissions Team
Julia True – Admissions & Advancement Director
+31 20 347 1120
Tina Bittendorfer – Admissions Office Coordinator
+31 20 347 1127
Emma Bickerdike – Admissions Officer
+31 20 347 1121
Alina Dorner – Admissions Officer
+31 20 347 1126
Joanne Freeman – Admissions Officer
+31 20 347 1233
Contact Us
Sportlaan 45, 1185 TB Amstelveen, The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 20 347 1111
Fax: +31 20 347 1222