Student Spotlight: ISA Student Celebrated in GOA Catalyst Exhibition Showcase
ISA is thrilled to share that grade 10 student Sabine Bos has been selected to have her work celebrated as part of the GOA Catalyst Exhibition Showcase. Sabine’s Positive Psychology project was one of 47 chosen for the showcase out of over 590 projects submitted during semester one.
A Beautiful Question
Since our partnership with the Global Online Academy began in 2021, ISA students have been consistently praised and recognised for their capstone projects.
Each semester, the Catalyst Exhibition represents the culmination of student’s learning throughout their GOA course, offering the opportunity to explore a ‘beautiful question’ of their choice through a self-directed project relating to their subject. The Catalyst project exemplifies student agency by encouraging students to take charge of their own learning, become creative problem-solvers, and develop the skills and confidence to make a positive impact. The Exhibition is an online public gallery compilation of student projects nominated by their teachers as outstanding.
Sabine began her project with the beautiful question: ‘How can meaningful connections help children who have witnessed violence in dependency relationships overcome guilt, anxiety, and aggression?’ Through her project, she explored meaningful connections as a means of overcoming trauma through a virtual collaborative workshop that emulated a 5-week group therapy course for children.
Catalysing Positive Impact
Sabine was praised for her engaging response to her beautiful question and for the potential impact that her project could make to catalyse positive change. Her Positive Psychology teacher, Lauren Gehman, said: “This fabulous project is in sync with the quality of work Sabine has produced all semester long. What an asset she has been to our online learning community!” Sabine’s project can be viewed here.
ISA supports students on their individual journeys to self-discovery, challenging them to share their ideas from diverse perspectives and pursue a variety of interests and passions outside of traditional classroom learning. Our continuing partnership with GOA continues to be a fantastic opportunity for students to benefit from an increased sense of agency over their own learning experiences, nurturing their confidence to make decisions about their own future. Well done, and congratulations to Sabine!